How you can help
We work with wonderful organizations that share our belief that children all deserve an opportunity to achieve their full potential. Their gifts– financial and in kind– are some of our greatest assets.
What your donations allow us to do.

Sponsor a child for one year: all expenses covered

Provide a student tuition for one year

Community center supplies for one month

Food and supplies for one month
Our financial needs are spread across three broad categories:
It costs us approximately $1,200 every year to care for each kid. The money covers food, clothing, healthcare, education, after school activities, and other general needs. This is your best opportunity to make an impact.
We’re building a facility in Uganda to serve as our headquarter and a safe haven for our kids. The facility will have offices, dormitories, a multi-purpose athletic complex, a trade school, a full kitchen, and a food garden.
While most of our staff is made up of volunteers, we have three full-time and four part-time employees in Uganda without whom the organization couldn’t function. They are the backbone of the organization.
Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization.
People like you who join us to PAY IT FORWARD and who give freely their time, talents, resources and money to move the cause forward.
Our most active volunteers serve on our board. We also have an army of volunteers in the US and Uganda who selflessly respond to our call at the drop of the hat.
If you feel moved by our mission and want to support us, contact us!

Become a partner
Our strategic partners range from corporations, local small businesses and nonprofits. What they all have in common is a shared belief that fundamentally, the purpose of every organization is to enhance the human experience.
These organizations are made-up of people who enthusiastically champion our cause because they too have been the beneficiary of a love so unconditional that the only way to repay it was to PAY IT FORWARD.
Many of our strategic partners have made a financial commitment to our organization: making annual unrestricted gifts, sponsoring events, and contributing large sums of money for our kids’ care and the realization of our capital project– the facility we are building in Uganda.
Others have made their gifts in kind, lending us their services, products and facilities free of charge. We would love to discuss how your organization could partner with us.